The Beta Youtube

the terrible beginning

On (insert specific time here), I was approached by a friend. This friend, by convince to the plot, worked at youtube. He told me that he had a beta version of youtube (despite him knowing that he'd get fired). I, being the fool that I was, naturally told him to give me the link.

Later that night

at 6:66 pm, i decided to check it out. To my surprise, there was a lot of videos. VERY FEW of them followed the modern rules of uploading. I, to not get myself banned, decided not to document ALL the videos.

The First video

The 1st video was a video documenting what went on at area 51. they made scarily high pitches, making my ears bleed purple blood. I screamed, but no one could hear me (i forgot to mention im a loner). I struggled to turn the video off, but it was too late. The damage had been done.

The second video

The second video had no name. when i clicked on it, it blinded me with flashing colors. I couldn;t see. i could barly type because conveniently enough, i could type blind (for thee most part).

The fourth vid

I forgot the third video but i rippeed off one of my fingerss. It bled so much that i went insane. The fourth vid did me in. It convinced me to jump off a cliff. I'm in the hospital right now (because i didnt die).

The hospital

I'm almost dead. This might be the last words i'll ever type. They are amputating my legs. A mistake happened.It clogged my blood. My heart stopped.I couldn't breath. I just di.....................................
The end